The membership of WSO has elected officers for the corporation who will now serve two-year terms. Voting electronically and by mail, members ratified the slate proposed by the nominating committee. Mary Korkor of Hartland was elected president; succeeding her as vice president is Sunil Gopalan of Middleton, and returning as secretary, Jenny Wenzel of Caledonia. Their terms began May 16.
A total...
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WSO Brings ‘Haunts” Bird-finding Guide into Digital Age
By Carl Schwartz (Badger Birder Editor)
The history of “Wisconsin's Favorite Bird Haunts” goes back almost 60 years to publication by the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology of “A Guide to 30 of Wisconsin’s Most Favored Locations for Bird Study – With Individual Maps."
Compiled and edited by the legendary Samuel D. Robbins Jr. and published in 1961, the book was just 77 pages. All the...
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Message to the membership on recent racial events
We have witnessed horrific, unacceptable, unkind, unbelievable racial injustices in recent weeks and months. Tragically, some people are far more impacted than others.
In the shadow of the murder of George Floyd came the video of black birder Christian Cooper peacefully and rightfully asking a woman to leash her dog in Central Park. The outrageous and racist actions of the white woman drove home...
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May Rare Birds
By Mark Korducki
Where to start !?! It was a month to remember for Wisconsin birders
The amazing April run of rarities continued throughout May. It was hard to pick a headliner with so many rare birds around.
A Black-throated Gray Warbler was found along the Menominee River in Wauwatosa (Milwaukee County) early in the month and stayed for three days. This allowed many birders...
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COVID-19 - Current Birding Advice
As many of you are aware, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has blocked the extension of Gov. Evers' "Safer at Home" order with immediate effect as of May 13. Following this, several local county and city officials began implementing a patchwork of restrictions of their own. It is not the WSO's intention to attempt to interpret the various orders in effect across the state but rather to provide...
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This Spring, Please Bird Mindfully
For birders, one way to get through this period of pandemic is to spend time outdoors enjoying birds. Just remember to keep health and safety your top priorities. Follow the recommendations of your local health authorities at all times, even if it means staying at home and focusing on your yard or garden list instead.
If you do go out birding, please take precautions to ensure the well-being of...
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Help WSO Take Care of Honey Creek
During this Covid-19 pandemic, one interesting fact has emerged. People need natural spaces as much as wildlife. We may not recognize that fact in our “normal” lives, but based on the urgent need to get outside, exercise and seek solace people have visited parks in huge numbers. WSO’s membership has understood this need to protect and provide wild and natural space, not just for the birds,...
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2020 WSO Officer Election
Extraordinary times present not only unique challenges but also some unique opportunities.
Elections for WSO’s leadership normally occur at our Annual Meeting, held in conjunction with our annual convention. COVID-19 has forced WSO’s Board of Directors to manage our affairs in new ways. We were one of the first statewide organizations to recognize the need to protect our members and...
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March Rare Birds
By Mark Korducki
March came in like a lamb with sunny temperatures and highs in the 50s. The month was pleasant overall with little snow and several mild days that ushered in a good wave of early spring migrants.
The most unusual sighting was that of a Gray-crowned Rosy Finch that visited a feeder in Dodge County. The visit was very brief, but the sighting was documented by excellent...
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Weigh in on Wisconsin Wildlife Questions April 13-16
We can all make a difference for birds and other wildlife by completing the Spring Conservation Congress online survey available on April 13-16 found at this link. There are a series of natural resources advisory questions, including ones pertaining to hunting, fishing, trapping, and boating safety. See page 12 of the questionnaire booklet to see background on these...
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COVID-19 Revised Update: "Safer at Home Order" and Birding
Updated COVID-19 Birding Guidance from WSO
The coronavirus crisis may make 2020 the absolute right time for all of us to plan on conducting our own Big Green Birding Year or learning how to set up on your own “patch” on eBird.
Considering recent developments, WSO is toughening its guidance for those who are wondering whether they are still able to get out and bird-watch amid the COVID-19...
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