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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Donate to the Atlas

The Breeding Bird Atlas needs significant financial support to complete this important statewide survey. Although we depend heavily on volunteers to complete bird surveys (more than 1,525 already in 2018), we hire professional atlasers each year to survey remote sites around the state where it is hard to find volunteers. YOUR support can help us achieve our important goal of covering the entire state through the Breeding Bird Atlas.

Ways to Donate

  • Adopt-a-Block: Adopt a block — either a “needy” priority block that we have identified or designate any block of your choice — to show your support for completing the Atlas. You can adopt a block in honor or in memory of someone you care about.

Over the past five years we coordinated a very successful fundraising campaign called "Sponsor-a-Species." This campaign has generated over $250,000 in support of the Atlas! Please help us in thanking all of our species sponsors.

Major Donors

As the largest bird survey in our state's history, a great deal of field work is being put forth by citizen scientists and the in-kind efforts of agencies and organizations. With the help of our major donors we can implement the coordination, communication, and targeted field survey work needed to sustain these valuable efforts. Thank you!

$10,000 + Donors

Mary F. Donald and Arthur J. Donald Family Foundation, Inc.

Jack Swelstad


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We Energies
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 $5,000+ Donors

Jane Dennis

Jim Frank

Inga and Woody Hagge

Tod Highsmith

Mary Kohler

Mary Korkor

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WCMPFunded by the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office for Coastal Management under the Coastal Zone Management Act, Grant # NA16NOS4190108.